
Showing posts from June, 2014

When They First Met!

Samantha was doing her office work, suddenly the light turns off. Almost threw her spectacles on her desk, hit the pen hard on the wall. She got panicked, she stepped outside.. It was raining.. She loves rain. The most beautiful season for every lover. She felt the scent of wet mud in her nostrils, she closed her eyes, smiles like she never before.. The cold breeze was flirting with her hair.. The rain droplets was kissing her cheeks.. She could feel the love in the reminded her of Ross. It was a cloudy day in Newyork. Samantha and Ross was first met. It was during his first day at work. They were friends before over a social networking site and planned for a meeting. Fortunately, Ross got a job at Samantha's work place. When he got in he was searching for her and suddenly his eyes got stuck at a girl. Samantha look overwhelmed by the work load, she might be on a deadline for her work. Her face shows how overstress her life is. But Ross was completely mesmerised by

Can you spend a day without complaining?

The post is a little long, but I am sure at the end you will feel it was worth reading it. Few months back I read a quote that says- I spend a whole day thinking about it. Then I decided to make this challenge. However, I love the idea of having a sort of competition with yourself where you have to not complain about anything in your life for one whole day. I thought its way to easy but it wasn't. Here is what I learned- I Complain a lot. Like most of people I do complain a lot. Complaining is our default setting. I know preventing yourself from complaining is no easy feat. For most of us, complaining has become habit—something we do automatically, without even thinking about it. We also complain to avoid responsibility for our own actions. Like, "I missed the bus, I'll be late for work." However, you choose this. You could choose another transport or came on time, But you choose not to. Whatever is happening in your life is your choice. I

Depressed?? - 7 ways to pick yourself back up!

From time to time, we all get a little down, maybe even a little depressed. Maybe we feel bad that we are not doing well with our goals or feeling overwhelmed. There may be many reasons for being depressed like Relationships, Career, Health, Job etc. We know being depressed about our problem wont give us the solution. So if we could find a solution without feeling down why get depressed? What I can talk about are some things that worked for me. Feeling down is a total normal thing for everyone. But feeling a little down can interfere with achieving our goals. This could last longer if we don't take action. Here are some things that could help you as they worked well for me: 1.Make a list Sometimes we are depressed simply because we are overwhelmed with all the things we have to do that we haven’t gotten around to doing. Start simply by picking up a piece of paper and a pen, and making a list of the most pressing things you have to do. It may be some personal stuff