Can you spend a day without complaining?

The post is a little long, but I am sure at the end you will feel it was worth reading it.

Few months back I read a quote that says-

I spend a whole day thinking about it. Then I decided to make this challenge. However, I love the idea of having a sort of competition with yourself where you have to not complain about anything in your life for one whole day. I thought its way to easy but it wasn't. Here is what I learned-

I Complain a lot.

Like most of people I do complain a lot. Complaining is our default setting. I know preventing yourself from complaining is no easy feat. For most of us, complaining has become habit—something we do automatically, without even thinking about it. We also complain to avoid responsibility for our own actions. Like, "I missed the bus, I'll be late for work." However, you choose this. You could choose another transport or came on time, But you choose not to. Whatever is happening in your life is your choice.

I learned more about what dulls my spirit and what brightens it.

I saw that the more I noticed my complaints, the more I was able to see how unnecessary they were. As far as time-wasting goes, I think that complaining is the biggest of them all. Let go of the complaints and love comes rushing in.
Love, compassion, understanding flows through you as if to say “why didn’t you do this sooner, this is a way better feeling.”

No complaint pay-off

Still, though, what’s the big deal? It feels good to express your unhappiness, and everybody does it… so what would we get from ceasing our own complaining?
For one, you’re generally just a nicer person to be around when you don’t complain all the time. No one likes hanging out with a Debbie Downer, and your complaints may be raining on everyone’s parade. 
Finally, not allowing yourself to complain forces you to take responsibility—and take action to actually make the situation better.
Complaining doesn’t actually change the situation—your attitude and actions however, will.

No complain challenge for one day-

 Spend one day just noticing all the times you complain. Don’t try to change anything just yet—just be on the lookout for complaints.
Make a point to think before you speak, and do something other than complain when you’re feeling cranky. You won’t be able to stop yourself from thinking the negative thought, but you can at least stop yourself from verbalizing it. Find a way to turn the situation into a positive, or take action and do something about what’s bothering you. This will help you establish a new behavior.
If you can make it through an entire day without complaining, congratulations! You’re well on your way to succeeding at an impressive personal development goal.
You will find that your mind no longer produces the deluge of unhappy thoughts you used to live with. Because you are not speaking them, you have no outlet for them, and the complaint factory in your mind closes down. :)

Live stress free.. Live freely!
Live the way life is supposed to be..
Live happy.. Stay happy..

Thankyou for dropping in. This post means a lot to me so please tell me your opinions about it. :)


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