Depressed?? - 7 ways to pick yourself back up!

From time to time, we all get a little down, maybe even a little depressed. Maybe we feel bad that we are not doing well with our goals or feeling overwhelmed.
There may be many reasons for being depressed like Relationships, Career, Health, Job etc. We know being depressed about our problem wont give us the solution. So if we could find a solution without feeling down why get depressed? What I can talk about are some things that worked for me.

Feeling down is a total normal thing for everyone. But feeling a little down can interfere with achieving our goals. This could last longer if we don't take action. Here are some things that could help you as they worked well for me:

1.Make a list

Sometimes we are depressed simply because we are overwhelmed with all the things we have to do that we haven’t gotten around to doing.

Start simply by picking up a piece of paper and a pen, and making a list of the most pressing things you have to do. It may be some personal stuff, something from work, or something around house or maybe the combination of these and more.
Simply making a list can be a big relief — you’re getting things under control. You can see, right in front of you, what you need to do, and that alone can pick up your mood.

2.Take action

Now you have made a list, are you still feeling bothered?

Well, get started on the first thing you need to do. Is it a big task? Break it down and just do the smallest task, something just to get you started. Once you get started you will feel better. If you still feel overwhelmed its okay, at least you are doing something. And once you start doing something, you’ve got momentum, and that feels much better than lying around feeling sorry for yourself.

3. Dance or Exercise-

 I know, you might not be in the mood for exercise. But just do it!

Take a walk, go for a run, go to the gym, dance in your room, feel free to enjoy yourself or do whatever is it- just do some exercise — get out and do it now! You don’t need to do a real hard workout, but the simple act of exercise can lift your mood immediately. Just do it!

4.Get shower and groom yourself-

Take a relaxing bath, put on some natural scents in your bathroom or use some scented candles, add some bathing salt and listen to your favorite nusic ( Remember what Monica do in F.R.I.E.N.D.S). This is the best way to release your stress. Now groom yourself, wear a good outfit, put on makeup, try different hairstyles. I am damn sure this will work for you.

5.Get out of the house and do something-

Now when you had shower and you are well groomed get out of the house and try to roam around. This will provide you some air, and wh

en you see something outside your mind might get engaged in it and you may forgot about being depressed. Try this out!

6. Eat food and relax-

When you reach home try cooking, I love cooking however I am not at all good at it yet it makes me happy. Most of the people likes cooking but if you don't, try eating :P Delicious Food will change your mind. 

Try to relax. What's your way of relaxing? I love to listen music and read books, it helps me alot. Try it!

7.Talk about it-

After all these things, if you still feel down or depressed then try sharing your problem with a close one, best friend, family member, co-worker you can talk to? Bend their ear. That’s what they’re their for. If you don’t, I am here for you.

Getting things off your chest makes a big difference, and can be a huge lift. It can also help you work out the reasons you’re feeling down.

So have you tried it?

How are you feeling today? :)
Tell me if it does work for you too.


  1. This is good.Solutions follow the problem.And the problem must have cause/s.What troubles our minds should be shared with sincere people.But sincere people are not visible.This may be a fundamental cause of depression.Riju Mishra

  2. The basic root of depression is that you sit beside and blame yourself. And this is wrong what you should do is to face the problem and fight back.
    And you are right! Sharing feels good, if you need someone to share your feelings try sharing with your family.

    Thankyou Riju Mishra for commenting here. :)


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