
Showing posts from April, 2018

A Letter To My Younger self !

Dear Younger self, You probably won't recognise me with all the scars on my face, these tiring eyes and a figure that went south while trying to make a living for myself in this fast paced city. But I am not ashamed of any of it, I love them all. They represent all the hard work and struggle in making me what I am today. I proudly wear it all. When you wake up tomorrow morning cherish the moment because in a couple of years you will be waking up to an empty room with strangers. Its a total bliss to be in the presence of your loved ones, you are going to miss that a lot. This feeling of being able to call this place your home will be missed when you will go to your flat every night tired alone. Take your time, one day at a time. Do everything that you always wish to do for Mum and dad. Go make him a cup of Tea and cook lunch for them, hug them tight and fall asleep beside them. Its the one thing that you're gonna miss the most. When you go to school tomorrow, don&