Breakups: How to get over

Breakups are normal, Its not the end of everything you have.
When you broke up with him everything looks wrong, you cry all night hiding under your favorite pillow thinking about all your crushed dreams and the sweet-sour moments. You listen to his favorite track on a repeat mode, eat lots of ice cream, keep looking for his call and thinking about why this happened?
But this is not the right thing to do.

It's completely okay to cry about it. 
You're hurt so you will feel upset. For the first few weeks its going to be a lonely and a long journey. Cry hard as much you can because at the end of it you'll get sick of it and it will end then you'll realise that its a temporary phase.

Be postive.
If he doesn't want you back don't feel unwanted or worthless. Open yourself, gain some confidence and see there are plenty of people wants you in their lives. Spend time with people you feel better with. Communicate with social networking sites. Go shopping, it will pull out your interest in yourself. Go party, Have sleepover with your friends, share with people you feel comfortable with.

Whenever you miss him/her try to take a nap.
It will cut you out of that bad feeling of broken heart. It will refresh your mind and when you wake up you'll even don't remember what you were thinking before. :) Whenever you're stressed take a nap.

Move on.
Now it's your time to move on! You must see that your heart is healed now. You have started liking others. You gotta crush on someone, you'll start feeling that lovely butterflies in your stomach again. And you'll forget about your ex completely and might have forgiven him/her.

Believe in you. Nothing is gonna last forever. Things will be fine and better one day.

How are you feeling now? :)


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